Paranthropus boisei
Classification Tree
Paranthropus boisei

Paranthropus boisei IMG 2933-black - OH 5
Boisei was a species of australopithecine from the Early Pleistocene of East Africa about 2.5 to 1.15 million years ago. The holotype specimen, OH 5, was discovered by palaeoanthropologist Mary Leakey in 1959, and described by her husband Louis a month later. It was originally placed into its own genus as "Zinjanthropus boisei", but is now relegated to Paranthropus along with other robust australopithecines. However, it is argued that Paranthropus is an invalid grouping and synonymous with Australopithecus, so the species is also often classified as Australopithecus boisei.
Robust australopithecines are characterised by heavily built skulls capable of producing high stresses and bite forces, and some of the largest molars with the thickest enamel of any known ape. Boisei is the most robust of this group. Brain size was about 450–550 cc similar to other australopithecines. Some skulls are markedly smaller than others, which is taken as evidence of sexual dimorphism where females are much smaller than males.[1]
Name | Age Min | Age Max |
Ileret | 1490000 | 1550000 |
Koobi Fora Area 104 | 1630000 | 1790000 |
Olduvai Gorge (FLK I) | 430000 | 2588000 |
Peninj |
3D Models, Videos and Images
Paranthropus boisei: cranium (OH 5)
Olduvai Gorge Ngorongoro
Eventlog (Episode 1): 1.5 Million Year Old Jaw From Eastern Africa (Peninj)

Paranthropus boisei face (University of Zurich) - OH 5

Paranthropus boisei IMG 2933-black - OH 5
Australophithecus boisei (cast), Olduvai Gorge - Springfield Science Museum - Springfield, MA - DSC03368 - OH 5

Plaque where Mary Leakey found Zinjanthropus skull, Tanzania

Plaque marking the discovery of Australopithecus in Tanzania

Peninj mandible. Paranthropus boisei
Cited References
Paranthropus boisei
This page was last edited on February 12, 2023 at 01:13:56 UTC