Palaeolithic hunters or archaeologists from 20th century. Taphonomy of bone marks from Molodova I, Layer IV | | Maciej Krajcarz, Magdalena Krajcarz |
Palaeontologische onderzoekingen op Java | Verslag van het mijnwezen over het 4e kwartaal | Eugène Dubois |
Paleoenvironmental context of the Pliocene A.L. 333 'First Family' hominin locality, Hadar Formation, Ethiopia. In The Geology of Early Humans in the Horn of Africa | Special Paper of the Geological Society of America 446 | Anna Behrensmeyer, Jay Quade, Jonathan Wynn |
Paleogeography of the Solo Area and the Search for Lower and Middle Pleistocene Prehistoric Sites. In Sangiran Man, Culture, and Environment in Pleistocene Times. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Sangiran, Solo-Indonesia, 21st-24th September 1998 | Yayasan Obor Indonesia | Bagyo Prasetyo, F. David Bulbeck, Retno Handini, Tony Djubiantono, Truman Simanjuntak |
Paleolithic multilayered Molodova I site. In Molodova I - Unique Mousterian Settlement on the Middle Dniestr Region | Nauka | A.P. Chernysh, G.I. Goretsky, Irina Ivanova |
Paranthropus boisei | Wikipedia | |
Paranthropus boisei face (University of Zurich) - OH 5 | | Guerin Nicolas |
Paranthropus Boisei - Fifty years of evidence and analysis | American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 134(S45) | Bernard Wood, Paul Constantino |
Paranthropus boisei IMG 2933-black - OH 5 | | Rama |
Paranthropus boisei Wikipedia | | Wikipedia Wikipedia |