
Venus of l'Abri Pataud

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Abri Pataud
44.93, 1.01
Vénus de l'abri Pataud 2

Vénus de l'abri Pataud 2

In 1958, the  Venus of l'Abri Pataud, a small carved female figure was found on a stone about 20 cm (7.9 in) tall, likely dating to approximately 21,000 years BP. According to Hallam Movius, the figure represents a comparatively young woman, "more slender and gracile than is normally the case," roughly carved, and with contours suggesting pregnancy. Movius wrote that the despite "disharmonic features, the overall proportions of the figure are both pleasing and, at first glance, symmetrical." Movius continued, "from a stylistic point of view, this figure has been rendered in the finest tradition of Upper Paleolithic art as represented by the well-known series of carvings and statuettes, collectively known as Venuses…"

The figure was found following a violent storm, making its origin within the shelter difficult to know exactly.
