Elefante-Atapuerca2006 | | Mario Modesto Mata |
Eliye Springs | | Anne Wambui Ndungu |
El Mirón Cave | | |
El semblante de los primeros europeos | Fundación Atapuerca | Jose Maria Bermudez de Castro |
Em - Australopithecus africanus, Taung Child - 1 | | Emoke Denes |
Em - Australopithecus sediba - 1 - Malapa Valley | | Emoke Denes |
Encuentran en Atapuerca la cara del Primer Europeo | Fundación Atapuerca | Fundacion Atapuerca Fundacion Atapuerca |
Endocranial Hyperostosis in Sangiran 2, Gibraltar 1, and Shanidar 5 | American Journal of Physical Anthropology 102(1) | Susan Antón |
Energetics and the Evolution of the Genus HOMO | Annual Review of Anthropology 31(1) | Jonathan Wells, Leslie Aiello |
Environmental Change within the Laetoli Fossiliferous Sequence. Vegetation Catenas and Bovid Ecomorphology. In Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli. Human Evolution in Context. Volume 1 - Geology, Geochronology, Paleoecology and Paleoenvironment | Springer | Kris Kovarovic, Peter Andrews, Terry Harrison |