
Early presence of Homo sapiens in Southeast Asia 86-68 kyr at Tam Pa Ling, Northern LaosNature Communications (14)1 Alexandra Zachwieja, Anne-Marie Bacon, Anthony Dosseto, Clement Zanolli, Daovee Sihanam, Elise Patole-Edoumba, Eric Suzzoni, Fabrice Demeter, Françoise Aubaile, Françoise Crozier, Hugh McColl, Inga Bergmann, Jean-Jacques Hublin, Jean-Luc Ponche, Kira Westaway, Laura Shackelford, Meghan McAllister-Hayward, Mike Morley, Nicolas Bourgon, Philipp Gunz, Philippe Duringer, Phonephanh Sichanthongtip, Quentin Boesch, Renaud Joannes-Boyau, Sarah Freidline, Souliphane Boualaphane, Sébastien Frangeul, Thonglith Luangkhoth, Tyler Dunn, Viengkeo Souksavatdy, Vito Hernandez
Early presence of Homo sapiens in Southeast Asia by 86-68 kyr at Tam Pà Ling, Northern Laos - Figure 1 Alexandra Zachwieja, Anne-Marie Bacon, Anthony Dosseto, Clement Zanolli, Daovee Sihanam, Elise Patole-Edoumba, Eric Suzzoni, Fabrice Demeter, Françoise Aubaile, Françoise Crozier, Hugh McColl, Inga Bergmann, Jean-Jacques Hublin, Jean-Luc Ponche, Kira Westaway, Laura Shackelford, Meghan McAllister-Hayward, Mike Morley, Nicolas Bourgon, Philipp Gunz, Philippe Duringer, Phonephanh Sichanthongtip, Quentin Boesch, Renaud Joannes-Boyau, Sarah Freidline, Souliphane Boualaphane, Sébastien Frangeul, Thonglith Luangkhoth, Tyler Dunn, Viengkeo Souksavatdy, Vito Hernandez
Early presence of Homo sapiens in Southeast Asia by 86-68 kyr at Tam Pà Ling, Northern Laos - Figure 2 Alexandra Zachwieja, Anne-Marie Bacon, Anthony Dosseto, Clement Zanolli, Daovee Sihanam, Elise Patole-Edoumba, Eric Suzzoni, Fabrice Demeter, Françoise Aubaile, Françoise Crozier, Hugh McColl, Inga Bergmann, Jean-Jacques Hublin, Jean-Luc Ponche, Kira Westaway, Laura Shackelford, Meghan McAllister-Hayward, Mike Morley, Nicolas Bourgon, Philipp Gunz, Philippe Duringer, Phonephanh Sichanthongtip, Quentin Boesch, Renaud Joannes-Boyau, Sarah Freidline, Souliphane Boualaphane, Sébastien Frangeul, Thonglith Luangkhoth, Tyler Dunn, Viengkeo Souksavatdy, Vito Hernandez
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