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32.68, 35.55
Date range max:
2,588,000 Bp
Date range min:
11,700 Bp
Homo sapiens

'Ubeidiya (Arabic: العبيدية, romanized: `Ubaydiyya; Hebrew: עובידיה), some 3 km south of the Sea of Galilee, in the Jordan Rift Valley, Israel, is an archaeological site of the early Pleistocene, c. 1.5 million years ago, preserving traces of one of the earliest migrations of Homo erectus out of Africa, with (as of 2014) only the site of Dmanisi in Georgia being older. The site yielded hand axes of the Acheulean type, but very few human remains. The animal remains include a hippopotamus' femur bone, and an immensely large pair of horns belonging to a species of extinct bovid.

The site was discovered in 1959 and was first excavated between 1960 and 1974.

Prehistoric remains starting from about 1.7 Mya (million years ago)[6][failed verification], more recently redated biochronologically to 1.5 Mya, were discovered in the excavations, within about 60 layers of soil within which were found human bones and remains of ancient animals. These include some of the oldest remains found outside Africa and more than 10,000 ancient stone tools.