
Grotte de Lacalm

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The cave of Lacalm, or cave of Chemineau, is a prehistoric cave occupied by man in the Magdalenian and the Neolithic period, located in Aiguefonde, Tarn, in the Occitanie region (France).

The cave of Lacalm was notably occupied by Man during the Magdalenian, and yielded vestiges of this period, such as harpoons and flint tools, during excavations conducted from 1964 by the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches archéologiques du pays Castrais (CERAC) under the direction of Yvan Hue. Layers E (Magdalenian) to J have yielded remains of the Upper Paleolithic.

The main occupation of the cave, however, dates from the Neolithic, and this in two phases, in the Middle Neolithic and the Final Neolithic, represented in layers A to D. There are also superficial remains of the Gallo-Roman era. The Middle Neolithic is mainly represented by ceramic fragments, which are related to the southern Chasséen.