
Grotte de la Crouzade

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43.13, 3.09

The Grotte de la Crouzade is a vast cavity dug into a limestone cliff in the Clape massif, near Gruissan, in the Aude. It has been classified as a historical monument since June 30, 1928, under the name of "cave of habitation and rock shelter of the Crouzade".

This cave is famous for having delivered the first known Azilian painted pebbles, although their antiquity was not recognized until after Piette's discoveries at Mas d'Azil thirteen years later.

Successive excavations of the site have made it possible to identify testimonies of the following cultures or periods:

  • Mousterian
  • Aurignacian
  • Gravettian
  • Magdalenian
  • Lifeguard
  • Neolithic