
Grotte de Gouërris

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The cave of Gouërris is a prehistoric site that is part of the caves of Lespugue, located in the gorges of the Save, in the commune of Lespugue, Haute-Garonne, Pays Comminges Pyrénées, Occitanie region, France. It was occupied during the Magdalenian, Azilian, Laborian, and Late Neolithic.

According to René de Saint-Périer, the cave is occupied in the Magdalenian (level C), Azilian (layer B) and Late Neolithic (level A). However, layer B includes material reminiscent of the Laborian.

Saint-Périer specifies that, according to him, the Magdalenian (level C) is related to "an ancient phase where the harpoon is still unknown" and is close to the ancient Magdalenian of the cave of Scilles; however, according to Jean Clottes, the first two stadias of the ancient Magdalenian are not yet known in the Pyrenees and the cave of Scilles most probably dates from Magdalenian III, or perhaps IV.

Gouërris and Manirac (Lectoure, Gers) present the most distinct laborian occupations6.