
Grotte de Coupe-Gorge

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The cave of Coupe-Gorge is one of the caves of Montmaurin, prehistoric sites located in the gorges of the Seygouade, in the commune of Montmaurin, in the Pays Comminges Pyrénées, in the south of Haute-Garonne, in the Occitanie region, in France.

Its filling, which covers some 400,000 years, has yielded human remains of the Middle Paleolithic, dated to about 200,000 years ago, which corresponds to the interglacial period of isotopic stage 71. Other fossils date from the Isotopic Stage 6 Ice Age, the Eemian Interglacial (about 130,000 to 115,000 years ago), or the 5a-d isotopic stage (beginning of the Würm glaciation). Although the oldest of the two is more or less contemporary with the mandible of Montmaurin, found in the Niche (nearby cavity of Coupe-Gorge in the same set of caves), the fossils of the cave of Coupe-Gorge have long been almost forgotten.