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35.96, -86.79
United States of America

The Coats–Hines–Litchy site (formerly Coats–Hines) is a paleontological site located in Williamson County, Tennessee, in the Southeastern United States. The site was formerly believed to be archaeological, and identified as one of only a very few locations in Eastern North America containing evidence of Paleoindian hunting of late Pleistocene proboscideans. Excavations at the site have yielded portions of four mastodon skeletons, including portions of one previously described as being in direct association with Paleoindian stone tools. The results of excavations have been published in Tennessee Conservationist, and the scholarly journals Current Research in the Pleistocene, Tennessee Archaeology, and Quaternary Science Reviews. The site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on July 12, 2011.

During the 1994 excavations of mastodon B, archaeologists identified 34 lithic items identified as stone tools or debitage, apparently in association with the disarticulated faunal remains. These tools included prismatic blades, scrapers, gravers, and resharpening flakes. Subsequent examination of the bones from mastodon B revealed what were identified as cut marks on a thoracic vertebra, which was recovered in direct contact with several flakes. Based on the profile and character of these marks, and their location along the thoracic spinous process, it was proposed that they resulted from butchering, and specifically, efforts to remove dorsal muscles along the backbone. Radiocarbon and Oxidizable carbon ratio samples collected in 1984 from sediments surrounding the remains of mastodon B returned dates ranging in age between 10,260+/-240 and 14,750+/-220 radiocarbon years before present (14C BP), with a maximum age of 27,050+/-200 14C BP. Radiocarbon samples from around the bone deposits collected in 2010 returned dates of 1960+/-30, 12,300+/-60, 23,250+/-110, and 29,120+/-110 14C BP. Collectively these dates suggested a possible pre-Clovis affiliation for the site but included problematic maximum and minimum age ranges.