
Balma Margineda

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Balma Margineda is a rock shelter located in the Andorran municipality of Aixovall in which stratigraphy is found that covers from the Azilian to historical times, passing through the Neolithic. Andorra is located in the middle of the Pyrenees, which during the last ice age were covered by large glaciers that prevented their habitation by European human groups.

It has a first phase of occupation that covers the interval 14,000-11,650 BP (early Azilian, understood as a time of Paleolithic continuity), then there are almost sterile strata that allow the findings to be clearly separated. Then intermittent occupations around the dates 13,800, 13,400 and 12,700 BP. During these periods, elements of the lithic industry are left that suggest influences from the north side of the Pyrenees and, still, with a very cold climate and large glaciers.​The beginning of the Mesolithic, already with developed cultures without direct influence of the Paleolithic, it is registered in the levels dated in the intervals 13,050-11,970 BP and 10,400-9,680 BP, already without glaciers. In the following 1,300 years, remains of the full Mesolithic are found, which give way to the Neolithic, where ceramic pieces can be found, as well as other elements of the period.