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38.95, 20.75
Homo neanderthalensis

The Asprochaliko Cave and Rock Roof is located 3 kilometers northwest of the village of Agios Georgios in the prefecture of Prevezi in Epirus, on the west bank of the Louros River, (Ministry of Culture, 1965).

The Asprochaliko Preveza cave/rock roof was excavated by English archaeologists in the period 1962-1967 and 1981, (H. Higgs, Bailey G.N., and Gable C., 1983). Important archaeological findings from layers of the Paleolithic period have come to light. Radio dating of material from the finds date the oldest layer to 40,000 years before present in the Middle Paleolithic period, and the youngest 24,000-9,000 years ago in the Late Paleolithic period. Above these layers followed a Bronze Age layer containing stone tools and weapons. (Adam E., 1989). The documented habitation of the cave in such an ancient time highlights it as one of the most important and oldest sites of Paleolithic Greece. Professor Eric S. Higgs from the University of Oxford, with Professor Sotirios Dakaris, pioneers, made excavations with important findings in the years 1962-1965, (H. Higgs, Bailey G.N., and Gable C., 1983). These finds are in Oxford and the Archaeological Museum of Ioannina.