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42.15, 2.74
Homo neanderthalensis
Aurignacian, Mousterian
The Arbreda Cave

The Arbreda Cave

The Arbreda cave is a cave containing a prehistoric archaeological deposit, located in the municipality of Serinyà (comarca Pla de l'Estany) in the northeast of Catalonia. This is the most important of the archaeological sites discovered in a series of cavities south of the El Reclau district, the whole being called Serinyà coves (ca) (sometimes called coves dels Reclau) or Serinyà's prehistoric cave park.


The Middle Palaeolithic of the Arbreda is dated from about 90,000 to 39,000 years ago, the final and most classical part of this period, when the Neanderthal man lived. At that time, groups of Neanderthals who ran through our regions were often installed in the Arbreda cave. They lived from hunting and gathering. Their material culture has come to us represented above all by the tools made of stone, from which we find the finished pieces and the remains of their manufacture, which took place in the cave itself.

The Upper Palaeolithic of the Arbreda cave dates from 39,000 to 11,000 years ago. During the early Upper Paleolithic culture, Neanderthal man was replaced by modern man physically equal to us. Thanks to the record of the Arbreda cave it is known that this replacement was quick and complete.

We also find remains of flora and fauna of the two periods. Among the remains of flora, we have identified species such as the bosh, the server, the aranyone, the oak, the beech and the clover. Wildlife has been recorded as deer, horse, broth, donkey, hare, wolf, hedgehog and some elephant or mammoth defense fragments that were used as raw materials to make useful tools.[1]


Cited References

  1. 1.

This page was last edited on January 22, 2023 at 17:44:13 UTC